Monday, February 8, 2010

Big Sunday

Yesterday was a big day for Kyle and I. (And I'm not even talking about the superbowl!) We went to church...a little late, then went to the hospital to visit grandma.

I had been hesitant to go because it was such a major surgery and I was afraid of being in the way and I was afraid for some other reason that I can't put into words. It was just...scary. But we went to visit and Aunt Deb was there along with some weird people from church who like grandma more than she likes them. Grandma was having a delicious fruit platter and enjoying it and without me even asking to see her leg she hoisted it right up in the air with a grimmace and a grin. I didn't know how to reply, really. I just said, "wow." But with more of a sad wow than a super! wow. It had bandages around the end and was cut about mid-shin and was something I had only seen in movies. We left after about 20 minutes of talking about rehab down in melbourne and telling her how nice it will be for her to be able to eat dinner at her table insetead of propped up on the sofa because her foot is hurting too much. It was nice to see her doing well. I don't really worry about grandma in a hospital because she has been through so much and is so strong through it all, but it's difficult to go to hospitals for me, I guess.

I remember talking to Leah about it and she said that to her hospitals meant new babies so she didn't mind being in them, but to me hospitals make me feel queasy and I feel nervous and sterile.

Well, then we went to Chilis for lunch and just ate and talked for a long time and I really enjoyed just chatting with my man.

Then we went to Kay's in hopes of finding the perfect bridal set to go with my engagement ring and we did! Kyle was indecisive about his ring so we will get it next month, but mine is so cool and different! Kyle actually doesn't like it much, he said he wishes it was more traditional because he doesn't want people to judge it. I don't care! It is actually called a diamond enhancer and goes on both sides of my ring. It is pictured below and was spread apart for my ring to fit in, but will be tapered and soddered at the bottom before the wedding.

The best part was being able to take it home and it already fits me perfectly so I got to try it on for mom who said it complimented the ring nicely and aunt Deb who said "they have such different rings nowadays" and dad, who was unimpressed and just looked at it like it was a peice of junk mail. Oh well!

Then we went to see Dear John, which was a Nicolas Sparks book that I read on Thanksgiving and it was a lovley, sappy movie.

Then we went to walmart for something er other and caught the last quarter of the superbowl at home. KYle didn't much care to watch but he was glad the saints won and that I was nice enough to make him homemade fried chicken fingers and fries with homemade honey mustard.

We hate mondays but tomorrow we will hopefully find out if we get our apartment that we want! The approval/denial should be in by then.


The Kopers said...

Glad Grandma's doing good. I bet that was strange to see. You're ring looks cool - can't wait to see it with the other ring!
By homemade honey mustard, do you mean you mixed mustard and honey?
Love ya!

Holly said...

I'm glad to hear an update on Grandma!
I love your wedding band!
Love ya!